Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 38
     Profile contains photos: 10
     In Memory: 16
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 3
     Military Service: 8
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Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 38    Newest Members: 38    Latest Comments: 5  

Rick Arbaney
Barry Atkinson
Rocky Baros   
Bill Bauer
Andrea Baugh
Brent Beattie   
John Benton   
Jerry Black
Mike Brockway   
Rusty Brown    
Donald Buchholtz
Kristine Bullock
Bruce Carlson  
Bob Carsten  
Bruce Cochran
Montie Condry
Sydney Courier (McBrayer)   
Tom Craig
Stephanie Cruz (Johnson)   
Cecilia Dalpez
Jeanine Ding (Kastner)    
Shary Doak  
Steve Dowd  
Lana Downing
Ed Drummond
Randy Duprey   
Heidi Dyke
Kathy Evans
Dale Fitzgerald
Barney Fix (Fix)   
Jay Fowler
Debbie Francis
Pam Gentry
Keith Gilstrap   
Phyllis Gonzales (Wittet)   
DeAnna Green  
Vaughn Halford    
Toni Hayes
Matt Healy    
Gary Heldt   
Roberta Herman  
Scott Hess    
Steve Hess
Diane Horst    
Barbara Hubbard
Amy Hull
Ginger Hunter (Franke)   
Matt Iddings   
Gail Ingle
Morris Johns  
Jan Kerns
Barbara Kindall (Ambach)   
Sue Kinder
Diane Kinlaw
Ed Krey   
Lorrie Latson (Hume)    
Richard Law
Karla Litwiller
Randy Litwiller   
Richard Long   
Peter Lundgren   
Terri Lyons (Smedra)   
Kathy McGinnis (Krey)
Debbie McGuern
Tom Meeney
Phillip Miller    
Kevin Milner    
Charlie Montover    
David Mooney   
Paul Nadon
Patti Nielson
Richard Nipper
Joel Nugent
Tim O'Brien  
Chrissy Olshove (Fischer)    
Debbie Olson (McKinney)    
David Orton    
Keith Podbevsek
Shelly Proctor
Kim Purdy
Randy Quattlebaum
Jerry Reed  
Michelle Reid (Zancanella)   
Pam Rhodes
Candy Rice
Alan Richel
Sam Rogers    
Judy Roggie
Vickie Rowe
Ward Samuelson
Don Scarrow
Don Shuster  
Barry Smith   
Dorothy Sobczak
Kristine Stavast
Julie Stilson
Rhonda Stowe
Scott Tipton
Marc Towne
Teresa Trapani
Tim Trout   
Bert Turner
Becky VanHoose   
Cherlyn VanOver (Vanover-McNaughton)  
Ron Vlosich
Mike Waller  
Nori Weaver
Theresa Westhoff   
Chris Wheatley
Lori Wicklund (Bentley)   
Doug Wight
Stephanie Wight
Scott Wright  
Karen Yates
Tom Zancanella (Zancanella)   
Bob Zelanka

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